287 research outputs found

    The relationships among financial literacy, financial behaviors, financial attitudes, and homeownership within low-moderate income households in Los Angeles county

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    This dissertation explores how financial literacy, financial capability, financial self-efficacy, and future time perspective affect the likelihood of low-moderate income (LMI) households in Los Angeles County owning a home and holding a mortgage. It draws on existing literature on financial literacy, financial capability, financial self-efficacy, future time perspective, and homeownership to develop a theoretical framework that identifies the factors that influence LMI households’ access to homeownership. Using secondary data merged from six surveys conducted by the University of Southern California (USC) Understanding America Study (UAS) from 2015 to 2022, it analyzes the relationships among financial literacy, financial behaviors, financial attitudes, and mortgage holding among 2,098 participants. The findings revealed significant positive associations between holding a mortgage and financial literacy, income, age, Hispanic ethnicity, and specific levels of educational attainment. However, financial self-efficacy, financial capability, and future time perspective did not demonstrate significant moderating effects in the relationship between financial literacy and holding a mortgage. The dissertation concludes that enhancing financial literacy among LMI households is crucial for increasing their access to homeownership and suggests possible interventions and policies for doing so

    Entreprenuerial Intention Among Nigerian University Students

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    Entreprenuerial intention (EI) is one of the major contributing factors to the formation, growth and development of entrepreneurship. It promotes self reliance and brings about initiatives. Entreprenuership on the other hand, has been considered as an engine of growth for economic growth and development of developed and emerging economies. Acadamic discussions and policy initiatives are increasing nowadays on the vital role of entrepreneurial development in a society. This has been buttressed by the recent loss of jobs due to 2008-2009 financial crisis as well as increasing unemloyment across the globe. In Nigeria, the official rate of unemployment is around 24 percent while 46.5 percent of the youth population are unemployed. The unemployed rate among gradutes has increased from 25.6 percent in 2003 to 42.7 percent in 2011.  This unwelcome development requires a concerted effort at academic and governmental levels.  The objective of this paper is to examine the entreprenuerial intenton among University students in Nigeria.  This will help to identify entreprenuerial intention which determines behaviour as well as the need to gauge entrepreneurial awareness among the respondents.  The paper uses a modified version of Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) as the main framework of examining entrepreneurial intention.  A sample size of 205 was drawn from Abubakar Tafawa Balewa Univesity (ATBU).  Data was analysed using structural equation modeling. The findings show that, entrepreneurial attitude, subjective norm and power of behavioural control are all significant predictors of EI. In addition, other indirect relationships were also found to be significant.  Overall the result shows the model fits the the data well

    The Challenges of Implementing International Treaties in Third World Countries: The Case of Maritime and Environmental Treaties Implementation in Nigeria

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    Most third world countries, including Nigeria have traditionally been active participants within the United Nations system. These countries have also participated in numerous international treaties and conventions on a range of important global issues. However, it would seem that in spite of their enthusiasm to participate in international treaties on various subject matters, extant policies and practices in many of these countries appear to be inadequate in meeting international treaty standards and obligations. This is particularly the case with respect to implementation of treaties relating to maritime and environmental issues in Nigeria. It appears that the country lacks either the necessary capacity or the political will for effective domestication and implementation of the requirements and standards concerning several maritime and environmental treaties. This paper examines the pattern of failures to implement or meet expected treaty standards, which are prevalent particularly in the Nigerian maritime and environmental sectors. It argues that the failures are due to a combination of inadequate prerequisite technical capacities and the lack of political and economic will on the part of the government and non-government operators in the affected sectors. The paper further opines that this trend creates considerable challenges that could affect and limit the interests and welfare of the Nigerian people as well as the standing of the country as a compliant member of the international community. The paper concludes that in order to begin to redeem the situation, the country must effectively strengthen and enforce standards and regulations governing maritime and environmental practices. Keywords: Environmental protection, international law, international treaties and conventions, law of treaties, maritime practice

    A Study of Errors in the Pronunciation of English Sounds in Adamawa Television, Yola and Gotel Television, Yola, Nigeria

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    This study examined errors in the pronunciation of English sounds in Adamawa Television, Yola and Gotel Television, Yola, Nigeria. This was to identify pronunciation errors by programme presenters, their guests or other participants in various programmes in the two television stations within a given time frame. ‘Behaviourist Theory of Language Transfer’ by Ormrod (1990) was adopted as the theoretical framework for the study. The theory implied that transfer of language features depend on how similar the learning and transfer tasks are or where identical elements are concerned in the influencing and influenced language. In other words, errors in sounds occur because of the absence of such sounds in the speakers’ mother tongue thereby pronouncing any sound on its behalf with or without some degree of resemblance. Because of the sound conflicts mostly found between source and target languages, speakers often build English sound systems from their first language. The finding shows that errors of addition, subtraction, interchanging and omission were realized. The study recommends strategies that presenters and in fact, speakers with pronunciation errors as a result of cross-linguistic phonological influence will follow to possibly overcome the pronunciation errors; such that presenters and other participants in programmes to be encouraged to speak confidently and practice pronouncing difficult words correctly and regularly

    Isolation of the Hydrocarbon Producing Algae Botrycoccus braunii Using Serial Dilution Techniques

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    The study was carried out to isolate the microalgae species Botrycoccus braunii from a rich algal water sample using the serial dilution technique with modified Chu-13 culture media. Water sample was collected and was examined using the microscope. Botrycoccus braunii was found to be present. Modified CHU-13 culture media was prepared and autoclaved. Under aseptic condition, the media was poured into culture bottles numbered 10-1 to 10-10. using micropipette 10ml was collected from the rich water sample and poured into the culture bottle numbered 10-1 , again using the micropipette,  10ml was collected from the culture bottle numbered 10-1 and was poured into the test tube numbered 10-2 , again using micropipette, again 10mls was  collected using the micropipette from  the test tube numbered 10-2 and poured into the test tube numbered 10-3. The process was repeated for 10-4, 10-5, 10-6, 10-7, 10-8, 10-9 and 10-10. The culture tubes were maintained at room temperature (25-270c) by sunlight with a light dark photoperiod of 15h: 9h. Aeration into the tubes was controlled by covering the culture tubes with cotton wool. The culture was examined after second and forth weeks growth period by preparing slides and viewing under the microscope. Pure Botrycoccus braunii species was found to be present in the test tubes numbered 10-8 and 10-9 at the forth week examination

    Impact of Corporate Crime on Developing Capital Markets: Case Study of Nigeria

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    Capital market has been globally acknowledged as one of the main driving forces for the growth of modern national economy in this era of globalization and liberalization. It provides an avenue for both local and international potential investors to access the wealth of a particular country through buying and selling of financial instruments such as shares, bonds, etc. One of the basic requirements for the market to attract investors is that it must be seen to operate under certain level of transparency built on trust and integrity This paper examines the impact of corporate crime within the Nigeria's capital market and its attendant effects on the national economy. The findings of the study reveals that, the cumulative effects of crime taking place within the Nigeria's capital market is seriously having negative impact on its development and the national economy. It is therefore the position of the paper that regulatory agencies of the market should cooperate with one another to ensure that perpetrators of the crime who are indicted or found to have committed such crime in a particular sector are not allowed to operate in another sub- sector of the economy

    Assessment of social networks used by undergraduate students in Faculty of Education, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria

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    Social networks have cut across all facets of society with its pros and cons. It has transformed and impacted on communication, learning, research and education in general. Students are spending much of their time on social networks and are considered the largest category that uses such application. This study tries to explore the social networks used by undergraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Some literatures related to the study were reviewed accordingly and research objectives were outlined. The survey answers these questions and the result was presented using descriptive statistics. The findings have shown that undergraduate students of Ahmadu Bello University have access to social networks and their exposure to the site has influence on their academic performance. Moreover, Facebook and WhatsApp is the most used social networking sites by the students. The findings were adequately so also summary, conclusion and recommendations were provided for.Keywords: Influence, Social network, Undergraduate student and Academic performanc

    The role of Kano Emirate Council in managing ethnic and religious conflict in Kano State-Nigeria

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    Conflict and security scholars have identified ethnic and religious conflicts as one of the main causes of insecurity in Nigeria the African most populous country. One of the states in which these twin conflicts have been occurring is Kano state that incidentally is also the most populous state in the country. Hausa/Fulani ethnic group whose religion is Islam dominates the state that has a current estimated population of over ten million. However, owing to its background as the commercial nerve centre of the northern region, the state has attracted substantially Christian immigrants from the southern parts of the country. Unfortunately, the relationship between the host Muslim Hausa/Fulani and their Christian immigrants especially the Igbos over the years have been characterized by series of conflicts arising from ethnic and religious acrimonies. Against this backdrop, this paper examines the role of Kano Emirate Council in the management of these conflicts. The study is based on a qualitative research method with secondary data obtained through review of related published materials. Finding of the study revealed that, Kano Emirate Council plays significant role in managing ethnic and religious conflicts in the state on informal basis. On the backdrop of this finding, this paper concludes that management of Kano state security which is often threatened by ethno-religious conflicts can be improved with the reintegration of the Emirate Council into the security management framework

    Evaluation of Multi-hop Ad-hoc Routing Protocols in Wireless Seismic Data Acquisition

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    Due to impediments associated with cable-based seismic survey, Wireless Seismic Data Acquisition (WSDA) has recently gained much attention fromcontractors, exploration companies, and researchers to layout enabling wireless technology and architecture for Wireless Geophone Networks (WGN) in seismic explorations. A potential approach is to employ multi-hop wireless ad-hoc communication. In this study, we propose a multi-hop WGN architecture consisting of several subnetworks to realize the expected network performance. We investigate the performance of proactive and reactive routing protocols to examine the optimal number of geophones that could be effectively supported within a subnetwork. The performance metrics used are packet delivery ratio (PDR) and average end-to-end delay

    Evaluation of iron ore deposit using 2D resistivity imaging and induced polarization technique at Fakarau Potiskum, Northeastern Nigeria

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    2D Electric resistivity imaging and Induced polarization (IP) techniques were used to evaluate Iron Ore deposit at Potiskum area of Yobe State, Northeastern Nigeria. The area lies between latitudes 110 40' 00'' and 110 50' 00'' N, and longitude 110 00' 00'' and 110 10' 00'' E. The survey was targeted at determining resistivity and chargeability values that are associated with the iron ore deposit. The dipole-dipole array was used for 2D resistivity and induced polarization imaging. Data processing and interpretation were done using RES2DINV software. This research had characterized the study area into two portions: the alluvium deposit that is highly enriched of iron ore and alluvium deposit with disseminated iron ore. The portion of the iron rich alluvium, characterized by low resistivity and chargeability of 32 Ωm to 734 Ωm and 0.403 msec to 3.400 msec are inferred as alluvium that is highly enrich with iron ore, while the portion that are respectively characterized by resistivity and chargeability values of 734 Ωm to 1418 Ωm and 1.90 msec to 6.40 msec are inferred as alluvium with disseminated iron ore. It can be concluded that the occurrence of iron ore deposit is probably more at northeast part of the survey area. The iron ore deposit strikes in the Northeast-Southwest direction
